Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Why's and How's

I don't know about you, but lately I've been living one of those "Dad Story" kind of lives: I've been going up hill, both ways, in the snow, with a heavy load, in a blinding blizzard, with a sprained ankle.  The result? I'm tired. What am I thankful for? That I'm not SICK and tired.

There. Was that uplifting or what?  Stick with me. I may be going some place with this, I'm just not sure yet. Truth be told I don't understand God sometimes. I really don't. I've got a million "WHY's" and few answers. I spoke with a friend this week and she equated too many why's with Eve, and original sin...why, oh why, can't I eat from the tree of knowledge?  God's warning to Eve on this matter was pretty blunt: "For surely, you will die."  We've all been dying since. Anyone who has lost someone they love surely knows the cost of this. I would gladly trade the million why's I have now and ten million more just to have one more day with my father.

So if not "why", then how about "HOW?" Clever, right? Run with that for a few minutes and you realize that how's multiply as swiftly as why's. How gets you nowhere either. Asking God why He does things or how He lets some things happen are questions which are healthy insofar as they remind us of our limitations...that is to say, insofar as we realize that we should let these questions go.

We are then left with two questions that are worthy of followers of God: what and where. What do you want me to do (today, this week, with my life, with my soul) Lord? And where do you want me to do it? These are questions that a servant asks. They are questions which force us to humble ourselves and admit our true station in life, in this massive universe, a station that is miniscule at best but, if equipped with enough faith, can have the profoundest of impacts.

I heard someone once say that we are all domino's; all we do is fall.  Untrue. We are all cells, multiplying, as we have from the first moment of our creation, into a blossom of such color and glory as to blind the eye. So today, will you slow down with me? Breathe. Still your mind. Settle your soul.

And ask God: "Where do you want me to go? What do you want me to do?"  Let Him know that you're tired of all the why's and all the how's and that your ready, at last, to let go of these questions and start living some answers.


  1. Sometimes we don't need to know why or how, we just need to know where we are, now, in this moment.

    And thought there are many painful, horrible things in life, there are stunning, wonderful ones as well. Who would want to live a life where nothing moved you - where there were no painful valleys, but no ecstatic peaks, either? Just one flat beige plain of nothing. No thank you.

  2. Lovely, as usual, but the friend you mentioned sounds like an obnoxious know-it-all...
