Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Rear View Mirror

Don't look in your rear view mirror. There's nothing good back there. Just a lot of traffic or maybe a motorcycle cop. I really don't know why cars have rear view mirrors anyway. They serve very little purpose and even when being used while backing up they provide a false sense of security; you're still blind to about 70% of what's really back there. Which means you're not seeing the real picture.

Did you also know that you have a rear view mirror in your head? You do. Don't use that one either. It's even more dangerous than the one that's in your car, because it makes you look back at all your past hurts and all your past failures, at all those fears and insecurities that are lurking there over either shoulder, on any given day, like goons and goblins.

Checking the rear view mirror every now and then in your car or in your head is not necessarily a bad idea, to be safe or maybe just to reflect. But look back there too long and inevitably you're going to crash.

That's why God put our eyes in the front of our heads. He knew that it's better to live your life looking at the road ahead and finding wholeness in the opportunities He's placed before you, than focusing on what's behind you and ending up in pieces.

Besides...that stuff behind you? 70% of it isn't the real picture anyway.

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