Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Paint Me In Colors

“One of the tragedies of our life is that we keep forgetting who we are” - Henri Nouwen

Have you ever noticed the inconsistency of "being"? Of who you are? Of who you think you are? Of who others think you are? Why is that? Because you are none of the above. You are who God thinks you are.

To submit yourself to definitions based on human perspectives is fruitless and a little insane. I mean, how often do YOUR opinions change about other people, in the course of a day or over the span of a lifetime? Now...if a hundred people know that person and you add all of their definitions to the mix? What chance does any human being have when weighed down with that many definitions? It's no different for you.

A lot of what we face in life - depression, anxiety, insecurity, insomnia, loneliness - are things rooted in fear. I mean, people spend thousands of dollars on a good therapist to dig deep enough into themselves to find exactly that: fear. Maybe of rejection, or of not being good enough, or of the future, or of the past. Take a soul and turn it loose in this world, then tie it down with ropes of worry and what do you get? A tortured soul indeed.

God did not create your soul and bring you into this world to be tortured. He did not ask you to ever, ever, ever be defined by what other people think of you or need from you or want of you. He asked you to love others AS YOU WOULD LOVE YOURSELF. Not in a vain way. Not in a "I'm more special than so-and-so" way. But in a simple, knowing and loving way.

Accept who you are. Strive to evolve. Acknowledge the scars and wounds this world has inflicted on you and that you have inflicted on yourself...then overcome them. Lean on God, who has painted you in all your many colors and knows where best you need a little more detail, a little more depth and a little more perspective.

Then open your eyes and see just how amazingly beautiful you truly are.

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