Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Here Comes Christmas

I don't know about you but this year has mostly sucked. It's been one challenge after another, one day a knockdown the next day just a good old fashioned beating. I won't lie. It's been a struggle and more days than not I've made it all about me.

I have a few friends who are strong NON-believers. I marvel at how they get through the bad years. Sometimes when I'm with them I see that faint smile come over their face as I witness one second and share a misery the next. It's that "poor, naive Christian" kinda smile. I know that smile very well. I used to wear it myself. They love me. They just don't understand me anymore. That's okay. They don't have to because I love them too. And neither love nor understanding have ever been a prerequisite for the other.

But just when I'm about to give up trying to figure it all out? Here comes Christmas. I read a blog yesterday where the point was made that this holiday isn't JUST about Jesus, it's even more about God's dominion in the world. I suggested that it's even more than that.

I think Christmas is not only about that little baby in the manger but the RESPONSES that his very creation, existence, birth and life brought about. From Mary approached by an angel with this amazing idea, to Joseph confronted with the reality of a virgin birth, to the Wise Men who traveled so far with eyes of hope, to the people and the apostles and the Pharisees and the Romans who awaited in the years ahead...to you and to me. It's always been about how we RESPOND to Him.

Here comes Christmas. If you believe please open your heart wide and pray. If you don't believe? Please just open your heart a tiny bit. Christ will take it from there. As he has since that first cry in the manger.

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