Thursday, December 3, 2015

Shiny, Red Apples

I want to share something with you today that may blow your mind, like, outta the park. You might want to sit down. Are you ready? Okay. Here it is. a choice.

Now, don't just say, "Well...of course it is, Tony." Nope. Let it percolate for a minute. Because, if you really mull it over, you realize that it's one of those things whose truth is obvious when observed but quite deceptive when being lived out. In other words, when we're busy doing the business of living. Because there are shiny red apples all around us. An orchard of them, really.

Most of us haven't stolen (except maybe on our taxes), or murdered anyone (except those times when we used our words to kill their self esteem or "put them in their place"), or committed adultery (except in our minds). Most of us think that we're free and clear of "the biggies" (with "think" being the operative word).

But did you know that worry is a sin? And fear? And doubt? How about anger? Judgement? Unforgiveness? Bitterness? Or, my favorite, pride? All choices. All with consequences. All constructs of willful misconduct. Yet still, all futile in the face of a Loving God who sits down to gently untie the knots that we tie ourselves up in every day and whispers, "Shhhh. Why, child? Why do you keep choosing these things?"

In this holiday season it's easy to get wrapped up in the garland and shiny lights and totally forget the reason for the season; namely that a little boy was born in a manger, cried out in the first pains of his humanity, and that through him God crept into the world to tap each one of us on the shoulder, and - through the life, love and sacrifice of his Son - remind us to choose wisely.

Because, without a doubt, it's our choice.

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